Saturday 26 June 2010

Drink & Draw, Tuesday, July 6th

Our next sketchmeet will be TUESDAY, 6th of July, 8pm in the beer garden of the Franciscan Well.

The last Drink & Draw was fantastic again, we never had so many attendees. I blame the good weather! :) If you were there and did some sketches, feel free to send them to me and I will upload them to the blog.

Wednesday 9 June 2010

Drink & Draw, Thursday, June 24th

Here we go -> next Drink & Draw is on THURSDAY, 24th of June, in the beer garden of the Franciscan Well. Watch out for the most amount of sketch pads, that's most likely us.

It was an amazing evening last night in the Well, guys. Even though there was massive rain outside, so many of ye showed up for the Drinkydraw. Thanks again for making this group what it is now!

We had a topic last night: Red Riding Hood vs. Joan of Arc!

... and Armadillo Swan Awesomesaurus! O_o