Friday 17 September 2010

Drink & Draw, Tuesday, September 28th

Good times at yesterday's Drink & Draw! Let's hope summer 2.0 continues for another while :) Great to see so many creative people together, you rock!

So the next Sketchmeet will be TUESDAY again, September 28th, 8.00 pm in the beer garden of the Franciscan Well.

And here are a few pics - send me sketches if you want me to put them online:

Thursday 2 September 2010

Drink & Draw, Thursday, September 16th

Next Sketchmeet is on! Thursday 16th it is and as usual in the Franciscan Well. It's getting a bit more chilly these days, so depending on the temperatures, we meet either inside or in the beer garden area outside - you'll find us anyway, just watch out for the most amount of sketchbooks ;)

Here are two sketches done by Jonathan and myself - if you want me to upload your sketches you've been doing at the Drink & Draws, feel free to send them to me.