Wednesday 19 January 2011

Drink & Draw, Thursday, February 3rd

I hope everybody had a great night at the last Drink & Draw! So many new faces showed up, too, I'm having problems keeping all the names in my mind ;) Our Sketchmeet has become such a lovely bunch of artists, I'm happy and proud to be part of it!

So, let's look forward to the next Drink & Draw: THURSDAY, February 3rd it is, starting at 8pm at the Franciscan Well.

And here are a few impressions from last night:

Saturday 8 January 2011

Drink & Draw, Tuesday, January 18th

The first sketchmeet of 2011 last Thursday night was a fabulous one, thanks to all of you! :)

Next Drink & Draw is on Tuesday, January 18th, 8 pm. Please note, we're inside the Franciscan Well during the winter season and this means we don't have the huge space we used to have in the beer garden. So try and come early and make sure to get a chair!

by Keith Wright

by myself