Saturday 21 April 2012

Drink & Draw, April 26

Drink & Draw is on soon:

Thursday, April 26th
8.00 - 11.30pm
at the Franciscan Well

Bring the art supply of your choice and get drawing, painting, doodling, crafting, whatever you have in mind - along with a nice drink and great creative company. Everybody is welcome, no matter if you just picked up a pencil the first time in your life or if you're a passionate artist for years. No skill level required, it's all about the fun.

Tuesday 3 April 2012

Drink & Draw, April 10

Tuesday, April 10th
8.00 - 11.30pm
at the Franciscan Well

Bring the art supply of your choice and get drawing, painting, doodling, crafting, whatever you have in mind - along with a nice drink and great creative company. Everybody is welcome, no matter if you just picked up a pencil the first time in your life or if you're a passionate artist for years. No skill level aquired, it's all about the fun.

And btw, our recent ROAD TRIP TO DUBLIN was a total blast! =D Lots of drawings done by everyone, weather was BEAUTIFUL and the whole entertainment beyond expectations! Thanks to all who came to join and made this weekend to be such a great joy and memorable. You are unbelievable, thank you all!

Here are a couple of drawings sent in so far - please keep uploading them:

Gabriella Hefner
Eva Widermann
Kevin Gough
Ross O'Donovan