Sunday 17 October 2010

Drink & Draw, Tuesday, October 26th

The next Drink & Draw is on TUESDAY, 26th of October in the Franciscan Well, 8.00 pm. The staff told me they will have the beer garden open and heated for the rest of the year, how awesome is that? :) It's getting close to Halloween so let's draw lots of zombies, ghosts and scary fairies =P

We also had some talk the other night about going to Dublin for the Dr. Sketchy Burlesque Life Drawing ( They hold it every end of a month and I heard it is quite funky and colourful. So far the idea is to drive up to Dublin by train or bus, take a hostel and stay one night, including going out and take the chance to say hello to the Dublinsketchers as well. There's no date set yet, it will either be end of November or start of next year. So please let me know if you would be interested - should be definitely fun! :)


  1. Hi there,

    Scarlett here from Dr. Sketchy's Dublin. Just to let you know, while we would absolutely LOVE to have you up to Dublin for a session, we have also been given permission to travel with Sketchy's and are hoping to come to Cork soon.

    It would be great to have an idea of numbers beforehand, so if you have any feedback you wish to send on, email us info{at}

    Thanks for your support!

    Scarlett X

  2. Hey Scarlett, sure we will let you know beforehand how many of us are planning to come! Keeping fingers crossed for a Cork session =)
